Tuesday, February 28, 2012

What do travel bloggers say about Albania?

Well,  they say plenty of things about us ( Albania and Albanians), there are those who love us just as  our friend Iza,  those  who  love us less, and those  who  have accentuated mission profiles in their lives and look at us at a whole  different perspective. We listed  a few articles  taken mostly from travel blog. Have a read and let us know what do you personally think if you ever visited Albania:

These posts  were randomly chosen, not a real criteria  as in any case any experience in this sense is personal,  if you  want to add some commentaries  about your own experience, please do so!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Kolasin Wekend of 10-12 February canceled

Dear readers,
We apologize we have to start blogging by announcing a cancellation of the Kolasin weekend  trip   that was  planed to take place between  10th - 12th of February.   We  believe that the security measures  are very important , thus we would like to thank the Montenegrin embassy for letting us know in advance  about the climate  problems that have blocked the  way to the beautiful Kolasin. We have already planed a make up plan for the 24rth -26 th of February and remain confident that the snow wont be our  adversary  :)

By the  way dear readers you are welcome to start booking or to start confirming for the  24rth of February!